Community Plugins
Binary downloads of plugins, which are contributed by authors in the community are available. These plugins do not ship with the RabbitMQ server. Refer to Installing Additional Plugins for information on how to install the plugins. Note, the latest build of the plugin is compiled against the latest feature release of RabbitMQ.
There is no guarantee that these plugins work against a given release of RabbitMQ. They are built at release time, and also when requested by a plugin author.
Bugfix releases usually do not affect plugin compatibility.
When RabbitMQ is upgraded, all community plugins must be re-installed, which can result in installing newer versions of them. Alternatively, they can be deactivated before or during the upgrade.
If you are the author of a plugin and would like it listed here, get in touch!
rabbitmq_lvc_exchange |
The last value exchange acts like a direct exchange (binding keys are compared for equality with routing keys); but it also keeps track of the last value that was published with each routing key, and when a queue is bound, it automatically enqueues the last value for the binding key.
rabbitmq_rtopic_exchange |
Adds a reverse topic exchange which lets you provide routing patterns at publishing time, instead of at binding time.
rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange |
A plugin that adds delayed-messaging (or scheduled-messaging) to RabbitMQ.
rabbitmq_routing_node_stamp |
A plugin that stamps a message with the node who first received it.
rabbitmq_message_timestamp |
A plugin that adds a timestamp when a message first enters RabbitMQ.
rabbitmq_auth_backend_ip_range |
Provides the ability for your RabbitMQ server to perform authorisation based on the client IP address.
rabbitmq_management_exchange |
Adds an exchange type which allows you to connect to the management API using AMQP rather than HTTP.
rabbitmq_management_themes |
Adds the possibility to customize the management web UI look.
rabbitmq_boot_steps_visualiser |
Adds a tab to the management UI which displays boot steps in a graph. This is a debugging tool: it is of no use in a production broker.
rabbitmq_email |
Maps SMTP to AMQP 0-9-1 (to convert an incoming email to an AMQP 0-9-1 message) and AMQP 0-9-1 to SMTP (to send an email from an AMQP 0-9-1 message).